Monday, May 25, 2009

14 Layer Cake

If you look closely, some of the cakes have a fluted edge and some have a straight edge...this is why mine leaned more than I had hoped.

I found this great tool at Hobby Lobby that creates a pattern in the frosting as you drag it. It was $1.50 and worth EVERY penny and then some!

I had a hard time cutting the cake in small enough pieces for everyone. But, this is how the inside looked.

This morning at 7:00, I started working on this cake. It was done and the kitchen was cleaned up completely by 1:00 (and I cooked and baked other things at the same time). This cake was much more do-able than I would have figured. And, I'm sure next time I make it, the process will go more smoothly as I will know what to expect. My cake leaned a little bit because the store had two types of disposable pans that had different sides (it made a difference for sure).

So here is my yellow cake with choclate glaze filling/frosting topped off with a nice Chocolate Creme Buttercream frosting on the outside....Thank you Smith Family and Bakerella!


Lindsay said...

I'm so impressed you made that cake! I'm scared to try it!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for you on such an AWESOME cake!! I don't think I would have ever thought to try that.
